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Dollars & Sense...Plus 3 More Reasons to Hire a Content Writer

This is NOT a sales pitch! The fact is, content is key in this digital age, and business owners everywhere are seeing the value in hiring a quality content writer to assist in the planning and execution of their inbound marketing strategy, for which content lies at the core.

Even Google guidelines are giving props to the high-quality content writer…and if Google says so, then you know it has to be true! Indeed, for businesses large and small, content is seen as a viable and low-cost investment that can quickly pay for itself in terms of new leads, more engaged customers, and, yes, increased sales. In short, the benefits of having a seasoned content writer are numerous. Here are four (4) reasons why it makes sense for your business:

Add Value for Current & Potential Customers Existing customers have already given you a solid vote of confidence by purchasing your products. Why not repay them with useful educational content, like articles that profile key features and how to use them? Or special reports assessing opportunities and risks across your shared industry? Content like this can be just the right tool for building customer loyalty, driving repeat sales, and earning valuable referrals from across your customers’ own personal and social networks.

And speaking of attracting potential customers...these individuals are scouring the Web right now for the unbiased information that will shape their future purchase decisions! Keyword-targeted content can help qualified prospects discover your company and unique value proposition, not to mention nurture through all stages of your “marketing funnel,” from learning and discovery (outsiders), to consideration (leads), to the decision phases (customers).

Save Time & Internal Resources Here’s the “dollars and sense” part: For less than the annual cost of a marketing professional, you can work with a skilled content writer to achieve virtually any inbound marketing objective. From articles and blogs, to Web sites, Email and print pieces, special reports, and even social media, outsourcing content-related functions to a trained professional with a proven track record is a great way to increase output without placing any added burden on your team or internal resources.

Drive Web Site Traffic Not just any content will drive site traffic nowadays! In fact, the standard reader attention span is only about 15 seconds, so saying what matters, saying it right, and saying it fast, is crucial. A good content writer, however, isn’t just well-written! Make sure your content writer can help you isolate ideas and keywords that will appeal to your exact audience, create a content calendar that keeps compelling and diverse content flowing at all times, and is proficient in these three (3) skills, which not only grab attention, but keep it, and drive clicks to—and throughout—your site in the process:

1) Catchy, original headlines

2) SEO optimization

3) Call(s) to action

Create Share-Worthy Content for Emails & Social Media

Quality content, by itself, is just one piece of the larger inbound marketing puzzle. That’s because, in order to maximize reach and impact, you—or more likely, your content writer—has to know how to expertly position and share content on social media, Web sites, and in Emails and newsletters. That may entail excerpting text and images, and even creating additional copy expressly intended to promote content across multiple channels. It’s fair to expect—and receive—a full-service solution from your content writer, so think about content in terms of the big picture, and make sure effective promotion and distribution is included as part of your optimized content strategy.


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